The Miami Herald from Miami, Florida (2024)

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The Miami Heraldi

Miami, Florida

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DO EVERY TIME fa*g 4-A THE MIAMI HERALD Thursday Oct 12 1944 Jimmie Hatlo On With The OH IT'S ONIY THEM AGAIN I THOUGHT IT WAS A COMMANDO ATTACK 'LOCKED OUT? THEY OUGHTA BE LOCKED UP THEY LOSE MORE KEYS THAN THERE i ARE ON A PIANO Lana Learns How To Be A Scrubber HOLM I GAVE VOU MY KEY THIS MORNING I DISTINCTLY REMEMBER I WAS CUTTING MY TOENAILS YOU WERE GOING TO VOUR AND WHAT'S MORE I SAW rr IN YOUR PURSE TONIGHT OH SNOOPING IN MV PURSE HEY? WELL STICK YOUR BIG BEAK IN THERE AND SEE IF THERE'S ANV KEY NOW I GAVE THAT KEY TO VOU ON THE WAY OUT HERE'S VOUR KEY" WELL THEY'VE TRAIPSED THROUGH OUR BATHROOM TO GET ON THE FIRE-ESCAPE FOR THE LAST TIME By JIMMIE FIDLER THEY SHOULD PAY RENT ON THE HALL THEY' DO MOST OF THEIR BATTLING THERE '5k I 9 (0 By BOB FREDERICKS rmpia Vaudeville a Review GOOD ACTS a delightful Treston Sturgess comedy film and some exciting newsreel shots of the war combine to make this week's Olympia show more than a worth-while entertainment program Gail Manners who headlines the vaudeville end of things is a gem of a performer A delicate little doll with a big sparkle in her personality and canary-like voice Miss Manners hits the spot with an appealing choice of sweet songs and In a manner that is ail class mime and nonsense rate a mixture of laughs and yawns But if his material falls down in spots he puts himself over with a sharp but friendly personality FINALLY let me say that all Is well or swell that starts and ends with the Eight Lucky Girls who If all stars were as ladylike as Ingrid Bergman how could columnists spice their writ-ings? Nervous itch: To catch Bob Hope napping and hang a sign on that long sharp nose No love lost: Sonya Heme and Michael O'Shea co-starrirg in a Ode to rcav-hem: tsk Mr Welles- brawling in a night club doesn't prove you're a genius! Amazing how many stars who are deft on their feet still manage to trip over their self-importance Sillv notion: Frank Sinatra singing Sword from Financial ambition: To collect brokerage on all the election bets being posted In Hollywood What price Academy Awards when Katina Paxinou honored with one last spring hasn't had a movie job since? a cinch the KEY TO DOMESTIC BLISS IS NOT THE ONE THAT FITS THE FRONT DO OR- HOLLYWOOD If I had the time and ability to write a book about Hollywood I'd take for my theme the vagaries of Lady Luck and the part she has played in nine of every 10 movie careers Offhand I can recall enough incidents to fill a portly volume tell how Thomas Meighan stayed in Hollywood (to become a great star) because he lost a $20 hill and lacked The railway fare to New York I'd tell how Betty Compson found that same $20 biil and was thereby enabled to hold out the more that brought her a leading role in Miracle I'd tell how Lew Ayres had his bags packed and his ticket bought when a chance meeting with an agent launched him on the ioad to fame and how Loretta Young answered a casting office call for her older sister and on sudden impulse sold herself for the role tell how Director Josef von Sternberg non credit for a new artistic technique by using shadows on a wall not because he wanted to shoot it that way but because he afford to hire actors Peer closely into the success story of almost any star director or producer and find a lucky break made the difference between failure and success Frequently find that the same incident which sent one person skyrocketing dropped another Into oblivion It wmuld make a fascinating story and it should be worth millions to the manufacturers of charms ri I JOF1 BROWNING comes In for his share of applause or more with what is titled "a timely sermon" Joe effects the makeup of a dead pan preacher in his humorous and original monologue on the male and female of the so-called human species Also he sings some very clever parodies for a session of mirth that is different and highly laughable Clever dazzling and gay are the juggling feats of The Four El-gins three men and a femme Using hats and Indian clubs they keep things flying through the air in varied combinations that allow for no dull moments Film Features Begin are held over from last week's show These exceptionally beautiful and talented maids present a brand new routine Including a Russian ensemble a rope skipping tap dance and an Indian jungle whoopee in short whistle breeches Well they do make whistle the Conquering the featured picture has been praised In this column before Suffice it to say that It is an A-l blend of choice corn and hokum that touches your heart and tickles your funny bone and you just help eating it up Night Clubs ART CHILDERS Little Palm club on Ba shore court reopens tonight This exclusive little successor to famous Royal Palm ha3 been closed for the past few weeks during which it has been redecorated and renovated for the winter season Frank soft little band again will be on hand to provide the music for diners and dancers A note received this morning from Sgt Irwin Cole a former movie worker now In the South Pacific relates an odd coincidence of war outfit had a sharp skirmish uh a detachment of Jap marines during the conquest Saipan After besting the enemy the Yanks took time out for souvenir hunting On the body of a dead Nip officer Cole found one of the key chains which were passed out to patrons several years ago bv the Beverly Hills Tropics a local cafe! "Hail the Conouertnr Hero 11 30 2 20 5 10 8 05 1055 atage show 1 20 415 705 1000 "Between Two 1130 135 3:40 545 7 50 10:00 "Heavenly 7:30 PLAZA "Higher and 555 7:57 957 Hairy 600 800 1000 "Iroh 11 30 7 58 10 42: Buzzin 1:00 352 6:36 928 REGENT 7:45 9 45 REX "Henrv Aldrich's Little Secret 10 no 12 00 2 00 4 00 6 00 8 00 10 00 SHERIDAN "Between Two 240 500 720 940 10 00 11:41 3 33 5 29 7 25 9 21 11 17 STRAND Come 9 27 Tt Or Leave Tt" 7 40 TOWER In 4 20 8:10 8 00 9 50 TIVOLI 200 4 00 7 40 9-40 1:37 7:35 933 2:30 5:50 By VIRGINIA MacPRERSOX United Pres Staff Writer HOLLYWOOD Cal Today we watched a blonde WAC scrub floors Frobably the most beautiful WAC you ever saw A WAC named Lana Turner Yep there she was Beautiful as ever down on her knees with a big brush and a pail of soapy water Her hands were red and her knees were sore and there was perspiration on the lovely Turner nose Miss Turner more familiar to her fans in snug sweaters and low-cut evening gowns was doing a scene in "Women's And her gowns are by Uncle Sam she said pointing to her seersucker fatigue outfit look at the Out came a slender Turner leg and at the end of lt was a high-laced leather boot to hike she explained scrub Miss Turner is co-starred with Susan Teters and Laraine Day and plays a seductive social butterfly who joins the WAC to prove a loal American so she can inherit a fortune BEAUTY IN TRIPLICATE Miss Teters and Miss Day are WACs too and you never saw a better looking trio of soldiers Today they were rigged out in honest-to-goodness Army uniforms borrowed for the film WAC Feters was comforting WAC Turner and Platoon Leader Day was on hand to see that the inexperienced debutante did a good job on tile barracks floors really the name of this explained Miss Turner between scrubs have to do until somebody comes up with a better title Bigger and better brushes too prob Director Eddie Buzzell was busy checking on Miss position on the floor He wanted her to scrub it good he said but not so industriously her dimples show Three times the honey-haired scrubwoman cleaned the floor An three times they had to wipe it dry dirty it up again and start over She held her head down Buzzell said see her face better get a good angle on my hair-do said Miss Turner her hair had to look glamor- It seems according to Miss Turner her haid had to look glamorous but it also had to look like she combed it in the half hour the WACs had to get up get dressed brush their teeth make their hods clean the and put on their faces and comb their hair NO TIME FOR WORK "The WAC technical advisor took one look at the fancy coiffures suggested by the makeup department and said explained Miss Turner it would take ail day to fix it like HiRRY MARTIN who doubles as master of ceremonies is something of a jack of all trades though I wouldn't go so far as to add mastpr of none Many bright flashes stand out betwixt the blue and the dull streaks of his comedy chatter and his imitations of the Four Ink Spots draws a whale of a hand Other hits of panto Error or omissions In these schedules are entirely the responsibility of the theaters not The Herald BEACH "Between Two 230 455 720 945 BOULEVARD "Crime By 2:00 355 555 7:55 '955 Are Your 746 943 2:31 4:22 804 955 1055 1:39 707 951 "Louisiana 7:53 "Three Little 400 600 755 9 50 "Da Glory 3:05 735 955 CORAL "Adventures of Mark 200 4:30 700 930 "Take It 200 400 6 00 800 1000 DRIVE-IN "So This Is Washington 8 "Crime Strangest Case" 9 EDISON "Lure of the 745 10 20: Weeks To 9 10 FLAGLER "Victory Through Air 2 04 451 7 33 10 25 "A Man 3-27 14 9 01 GABLES "The Falcon In 3 55 5-55 7 50 9 50 "Meet the 7-2(1 GROVE "Seeret 7 38 121 416 10 01 MAYFAIR "Summer 6 00 10 08 1045 1:29 413 941 th at and when would she drill? Or scrub Finally the makeup department came up with a braid effeet and the WAC officer said okay For the benefit of Miss fans who are disappointed at the thought of the Turner curves hidden beneath GI olive drab we hasten to reassure them The script has two scenes that show Miss Turner at her best In one prancing around her boudoir in a filmy pink chiffon nightie that shows a lot of pink chiffon and a lot of pink Miss Turner Then later after she gets the floors clean she sneaks away from the tough platoon leader pours herself into a black satin bathing suit and takes a dip in the creek near the camp The nightgown and the bathing suit she added were not I Studio officials admit the script finished yet waiting to see how the war goes In Europe before they write the final scenes If polished off by then ship WACs Turner Peters and Day to the South Pacific Director Buzzell says shoot the picture just so far and then turn the script job over to Hitler and Eisenhower The Original SIGHTSEEING BOAT NIKKO II Residential Island Cruise TIER 9 IGUKOM PARK 5T1AM1 Fare $1 Telephone 3-5190 2 51 1:30 and 4 51 Sunday Wincliell National Attraction and Th Mimt Trip of A our Ult SIGHTSEEING BOAT FT1 Operating From Onlv On Pock 24TH and COLLINS MIAMI BEACH Fur $100 Tins Tax Salllnr 10 A 1:30 and 4 For Res Thona 5-1033 but (omtawoMiTcolHu WITH MORE WAR BOND lAd -tAoctS Man About Total WENDELL WILIKIE know the real reason for his hospitalization Intimates persuaded news and air reporters to it When the flash of his passing reached the midtown spots at 2:30 Sunday ayem it sent many people home depressed Beatrice Lillie was welcomed back to the with a barrage of legal entanglements aimed at the contract which she has with Billy Rose She has I a previous contract with the Shuberts The rea-I son for the week-end humidity can be traced to Carole Landis and Lt Bob Topping The odds of 16 to 5 (on FDR) are strictly for gamblers who wager each other They will give only 11 to 5 to the which Is their Two Features LtNCOt-N SOAD MIAMI BtACW Omr 1245 0ms 10 30 a awn AVE- AT 7SSTU rri I I TO Lin nl n4 OF THE Marin Hrt Busses 7 8 13 Pass Tha Bowery VISIT OUR RUMPUS ROOM LAST DAT! JOHN GARFIELD PAUL HENREID Two KITH TFCHM COLOR TRODICTIO SFECHL FRICKS tine Tex) Mat Fee Adult Stl Rervlremea 7e hlldrea 40e CmmII Mela Tlsa Tail MM tar fast atvtise tla OiCLlOCKICLUB Wondering what to do with your weekend? Rest it ouierfj 1749 MIAMI AVE Miami's Super Fun House TOMORROW SPENCER TRACY SIGNE HASSO Seventh 22nd St 5-2066 Dine and Dance HAL WAYNE and his PAN AMERICANS Featuring Sarita Herrera Drinks On the Housa At Table d'hot Dinners Served from 6 to 9 NEVER A COVER CHARGE Air Conditioned rnnvFfliP I Ka caininxnafX Opening Soon GARDEN OF ALLAH -RESTAURANT-co*ckTAIL BAR 8600 Blscayn Bird Musio by Danny Steel and Hit Strolling Trie Formerly the WORLD-FAMOUS StRM Ja Brnwnlni fiail DUnntf Faf Flin Hurry Martin Eiflht Larky Girli Let Rohi Orth LINDA DARNELL In "SUMMER STORM" FORfFi Mnm fi tv iioHros IfiltC AVNt I VO At NITE CLUB AND BAR I2th Ava at Flagler SI Miami MOTHER Show Place and Restaurant CARROLL GORMAN Best Comedy Slnotr mu rnoowiN at thc piano O'BRIEN KAYE HOWARD Famo Mttifoitl Comedy (Wnoen 1403 Dada Blvd Miami Beach Air-Cnmlltionril STEAKS CHOPS CHICKEN French anj Italian Calvin From Oar Continental Kitchen Bar Ooem 12 Noon mT HFAIXttAKlMtS oll FNTFRT4IMIFNT iami 1:45 Open 11:30 2 5:06 7:58 10:42 Matinee 4ne Five nine 50e Children lle Servicemen 25e 1:00 310 FI FIRST STRFF1T 3:52 6:36 9:28 Newest Downtown Theatre Air-Conditioned STARTS TODWI MARY LEE RUTH TERRY CHERYL WALKER Little CELESTE HOLM featured In the new hit got $350 per week in The new salary plus radio job brings her $1250 per The War Labor Board has just held W1NCHELL np okaying her contrac with Zanuck at $5000 per week per pieture On the grounds that the tilt too much of a This seems a waste of time considering that the more she makes the more the government will take from her WHEN JEAN HARRINGTON (who took an overdose of sleep ing pills and left farewell notes) eame to at St Clare's Hospital the first thing she said was: did the papers She probably will lose her Stork Club membership That'll learn her! Mervyn LeRoy and Sally Wright are in a trance One of male stars will be quizzed over winning $40000 in a midtowh hotel here recently The- loser has hollered to the gendarmes alleging he was swindled A man about town took his wife to luncheon at a midtown place Later he phoned several friends (who saw him with her) not to tell his girl friend! A BLESSED she-vent for the songwriter Frank Loessers Top wrote My the and so many other hits It's a ditto for the Lyn Murrays lie's the batoneer The gent pushing a stalled cab along Vth avenue Ratdee was shipbuilder Henry Kaiser Everybody prospers under Roosevelt it seems Three former cigaret girls are now established In $300 per month Park ave apartments JACKIE brother Lou was killed in action in Normandy Jackie Is just home after 16 months entertaining troops the record? A1 Capone has mended so much he is reported visiting cronies Don Nelson has been offered three jobs in industry all at $100000 per annum That w'as quite a scene between Congressman Clare Hoffman and an elderly waitress in the Congressional dining room Other solons apologized for his temper JOY HODGES admirer on the coast wired the biggest bouquet for her premiere It came COD accidentally Lt Eddy Duchin shoves off for the war zones soon The Ava Gardner-Artie Shaw idyll Is back In the waste basket But so is the Virginia Ilill- Junior Laemmle romance Irene Vernon of the show and Maj Duryea Dowling have learned that they must annul their recent merger Fanchon the ballerina stoop-shouldered at all That topaz which dangles from her neck weighs 345 karats Gen Robert Junior (a Pvt) was wed at St Satdee to WAVE Betty Wold The latest fad among femmes is a new midget-size cigar RIO DE JANEIRO'S prettiest person Is now a bride in Texas Her maiden name was so euphonious to wit: Maria Theresa Martiniss de Mello THERE AVILIi BE no racing they sav in Hot Springs this winter The action will shift to Florida The four candidates for the top job at the White House are all Masons Now they insist Charlie next wife will be showgirl Terrv Scott when her decree is final Rex Smith is now a colonel He was not hurt in that erash C'apt John Carroll of the fillums now in civies will wed Sheila Rogers Ass't Dist Pagnucco been working on the Carlos Tresca murder mystery nearly 24 hours daily) will shortly present a bombscll A partner of Hitler allegedly ordered the execution PHIL BAKErIr4 'Take It Or Leave It" pvtsii Wt CAInAi Mirtl tt Tim I COUIN5 AVI AT 7 4S-M sn ABBOTT COSTELLO The exciting hlnrr of Frank Cavanaueh iron man of Amrrlran font lift 111 First Appearanea In Miami LEE HAYDEN SWEETHEART OF SWING DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF Swing Band 1 AIR CONDITIONED No dover No Minimum Continuous Dancing and Entertainment it rAT THE IRON RITH WARRICK PLUS ii 'CA rw MIAMI FINEST DINING DANCING! 800 SElst ST rh 0-3431 EXTRA! 7 ten la Marc el Tim FIAGU AT Ii COUSIN ANN MlIXKIt IKKnnV RTIN Crazy clowning racy rhjthm and riotous Jokca SM0KIS9 IN THE LUGE OpBIIS 1 1 45 I V-T DM! TOM MIIVV MVRIS FALCON IN Inn FOR THE PLftZftT iffe 1:43 FRANK SINATRA and Higher MICH I MORGIV ISO WASH BOULEVARD FIRST IN FUN FOOD AND FROLIC MOST DANCEABLE BAND IN TOWN SUNDAY DANCING 3 No -No ropulur Prices hfrviro Perflonne! Welcome MR (OM)HIONhni ft PRAISED BY PRESS AND PUBLIC uioiiscim had nm Opens (:45 If TOIIW aM If JANE WYMAN I JEROME COWAN BY (MmEo Introducing New Show Outstanding Presentation of 1944 HAL FISHER LAURA KELLOGG RED THORNTON and Jester 4 DE PAULL SISTERS All EXTRA ATTRACTION Till DANCING WALTONS "COMKHY IIVNCE RE-OPENING TONIGHT Ooens 1 1 45 rriMnniiiUEcg NI VRl-a TOlItVI tHIco*kV l-Ff TM Till Nat OF JiSSMlR Delightful Triumph Bob Fredericks Miami Kurils Great Success" Peggy Simmonds Miami Dally Nw Wow CD0tfCR5d lSt eT! 1 47 Women in Bondage Gail Patrick Nancy Kelly i HOW THE Ntm TKEAT THEII ewe wohes: All) BTilVOL'l A AIR COOL Opens 1 1 45 ne ruiiite sit i i LAST HAY! I ORSON VVFTTFS I JOIN FONT VINK SIGH I IN fi oh in vs nvi-sT Shin Miami Rrarh Miami an Iha Florida Kyt DIESEL-POWERED Kl I I- LAKE PANCOAST Civilian $2 00 ftmea Partonnrl SI 00 Rally 2 9 Sanaayl 10 A 1 JO and 4 PM Ph V-4S4J 2Vd and Colima Ann 14ST eT! 4 RE YOUR 4 Great Stars Pins CLOVER CLUB COVER GIRLS TONY LOPEZ ORCH Daneina from 7 GROV67 LAST I4VI JIMMY LVIION CI1VUI1K SMITH LITTLE UST day: 43 CAROLE PAT LANDIS O'BRIEN CHF1TER MORRIS SECRET SL Lincoln Center HOTEL 630 Lincoln Road Miami Beach The Really Distinctive Address Now Open to the Public at Exceedingly Low Rates All Large Airy Outside Rooms With Private Bathe New and Artistically Furnished Phone 58-3852 for Reservations Special Rates To Servicemen and Their Families COCONUT COVE ROSetth STVRTS TIIIIU! FREDRICK MVRCH ALEXIS SMITH ADVENTURES OF MARK PEI 145 WILLIAM BENDIX SCSAN II VI WARD HAIRY PHONE FOR RESERVATION ROYAL PALM 2-029 4 LITTLE PALM 91110 13 27 BAYSHORE CT MAMI THE y-4 Av AT 70 STRfHlD Will open a Personal Checking Account without obligation to maintain any fixed balance provided as many as five checks are written in any one month As much or as little may be kept in the account as desired The cost is only 10c for each check written and a beautiful checkbook with your name imprinted therein is furnished free STARTS TOP Yl 4 CK IFY TtXRKIKT Mil I I HP Orrir Nplaon Rnrl Orrh IT CFE 6 45 COME In Trrbniceler RODDY McDOWALL 031 Ty AvU RODI SIAMESE TWIflS VIOLET niLTON DAISY Meet the Twins at Public Reception 7:30 to 8:30 Each Night and Receive Personally Autographed Photograph Opens 7:15 BYE Guaranteed Glasses At a Saving! Rimless attractive glasses with gold-filled mountings and Toric Spherical Stock Lenses Glasses made by us are sold by prescription of a licensed physician and ground by expert optical technicians Complete satisfaction or your money refunded 7 1AM' lUI! ERROL FLYNN PAUL LUKAS GLORY HH 6 45 JUDY CANOVA Louisiana Hayride" Extra! VS To This Service Not Available Transients 600 7y AVf PHRKUJRV PLUS MUNR0 and ADAMS ELIZABETH DEL RIO Wonder JiiEKlere Ialin-Amrrlcan bunas THE BEAUTEOUS BALIETTES DAVE LESTER'S ORCHESTRA NO ADVANCE IN PRICES PH 2-1598 Dy IE 3AU BISCAYNE BLVD AT EIGHTH ST HIALEAH! ft Pata lit Opens 6:45 Ne Extra Ct for Credit FLORIDA NATIONAL BLNIT Lll TRUST C9UIAN Ik At Miami treated in the Alfred I duPont Euildlns Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Optical Dispensary UST 47! 45 HEDY WILLIAM LAMARR POWELL C04AL" NX AV AT STARTS lOItWl DICK POWELL LUCILLE BALL THE Bit Peenrltv Bide Ph -271 Honrs 9 to Daily Including Saturday a.

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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.